Hello, there!

Thinking about consigning? Below are a few good reasons to consign:

  • You set the price of your items.

  • You will receive 65% of the selling price.

  • You get to shop on Consignor night before the sale is open to the public.

  • You receive a pass to give to a guest that can shop before the sale is open to the public.

  • You get your check at Pick Up which is just a few days after the sale is over.

  • Your items will be seen by thousands of shoppers from all over the Tennessee Valley.  

  • We do the advertising for you.  We advertise on Facebook, in newspapers, magazines and flyers.  We advertise in Alabama, Tennsessee, and Mississippi.

  • You have the option to donate your unsold items.  We give to several different local charities.


Looking to consign with us?

Due to an overwhelming response, we have filled all our consignor spots for the Spring/Summer 2025 sale. Thank you to those who have reserved their numbers. We look forward to an awesome sale!

For instructions on tagging, dates and times, and more, check out this sale’s flyer above!


What sells?

Want your items to sell? Follow our selling guide.


Girls and Boys
girls - infants thru 18
boys - infants thru 20

girls and boys infant through big kids sizes

costumes, socks, purses, belts, hats, bows


Outdoor Toys
bicycles, tricycles, toddler 4-wheelers, wagons, cozy coup, play sets, Step 2, Little Tykes - all items

Indoor Toys
sit-n-spins, crib toys, rocking horses, spring horses, barney toys, sesame street toys, Fisher Price - all items, train tables, legos, leap pad, v-tech toys, learning toys

Other Toys
board games, handheld games, game tables, basketball goals, skates, cars/trucks, Tonka toys, toy boxes, musical instruments, shopping carts, cash registers, baby dolls / doll accessories, infant/toddler toys, sorters, Disney/Nickelodeon toys, dinosaurs, TV characters, clothes, etc., books / CDs, video games and accessories


swings, carseats, high chairs, gates, play pens, stools, walkers, port-a-cribs, potty training equipment, johnny jump-ups, backpacks, strollers, bouncy seats, rock-n-play, equipment


saftety items, bottles, pacifiers, bibs, nursing items, blankets / sheets / burp pads, baby beds / mattresses, bassinets, changing tables, dressers, chests, diaper bags, rocking chairs

We want to offer the best items for our customers! That means we can't accept everything...

These are the items we cannot accept, in order to keep great items.

  • items with stains, holes

  • items that smell like smoke

  • items that have been excessively worn

  • items that are out of date

  • items that smell like a pet

  • Musty, smelly, stained books

  • improperly tagged items

  • girls clothes over size 18

  • boys clothes over size 20

  • equipment and toys that have been recalled

  • VHS movies

We can no longer accept these items, due to space constraints:

  • Breast pumps 

  • Opened nursing supplies (only accepting new /unopened)

  • Crafts - small crafting supplies

  • Teacher supplies

  • Textbooks

  • Hospital blankets

  • Maternity clothes

  • Bedding:

    • No bumper pads

    • No comforter type bedding

    • No comforter sets/ bed-in-a-bag

    • No pillows

  • Room decor:

    • Framed Pictures

    • Wall decor of any kind

    • Door hangers

    • Picture

    • Clocks

    • Curtains

    • Rugs

    • Lamps

    • Shower curtains

    • Bath accessories




Safety Recalls


We will not be consigning drop-side cribs/baby beds due to safety recalls.

In August 2008, legislation was passed known as the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) in order to protect children ages 12 and under against the effects of lead in products such as clothing, accessories, furniture and toys.  Implementation of this law is to go into effect Tuesday, February 10, 2009. The intention of the Law was to increase greater regulation for manufacturers and retailers and not the resale industry.

We at Dittos For Kiddos would never intentionally sell anything to the consumer that would harm anyone or would ever intentionally expose them or other children to the harmful effects of lead.

Below, you will find links that will educate and inform you on the latest information regarding the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) as well as other safety information and recalls.

- US Consumer Product Safety Commission
US Consumer Product Safety Commission - Lead Paint
US Consumer Product Safety Commission - Toy Recalls
US Consumer Product Safety Commission - Infant/Equipment Recalls


Drop Off Tips

We try to make dropping off your items as quick and painless as possible.  Here are a few guidelines to follow when bringing your items to drop-off:

  • Bring at least 15 items to consign.

  • Don't wait until the last day to drop-off your items.  The lines tend to be longer on the last day.

  • If you have more than 100 items you need to schedule an appointment and avoid the long lines.

  • Order your clothes by size and sex.  It will make it easier to put them on the sale racks.

  • Avoid bringing small children to drop-off.  Space is limited and it can get very congested.  (Children are allowed.)

  • Make sure you follow the tagging instructions.  Check each tag to make sure you have included your consignor number.

  • Put your name and consignor number on any baskets and rolling racks that you bring.  We have baskets and racks that probably look just like yours.

  • You MUST sign a contract before you give us your items.

  • Make sure the information we have on file for you is correct.

  • If you will not be picking up your items or check on pick-up day and would like for us to mail your check, we will need a self-addressed stamped envelope at drop-off.


Pick Up Tips

  • Know your consignor number.  All items that are to be returned are sorted by consignor number. 

  • If you send someone to pick up your items, please make sure they know your consignor number.

  • You will receive your check if your sales covered the advertising fee.

  • You will receive the cards of the items ($10 or more) that were sold.

  • You will receive a printout that shows the amount and price of the items that you sold.  The total will be the sales less the consignor advertising fee and less our percentage of the sales.

  • There are always a few cards that don't have consignor numbers.  If you know you had an item that you did not get paid for, please check the display of cards that did not have a consignor number.